Your listing reports are a super valuable place for you to get more detailed information about what is happening inside your Etsy listings over the time period you selected
Please Note: Operating Expenses cover costs like selling, payment, shipping, and listing fees. However, due to technical constraints with the Etsy API, we can't display the exact fees or shipping label costs for each listing. Instead, we show an average based on all sales made.
For example: if your store made 100 sales totaling $12.00 in fees, and you're analyzing a specific listing, we distribute a portion of that $12.00 to reflect the listing's share of sales. So, if your listing contributed 10% of those sales, it would receive $1.20 from the total fees. This ensures fair allocation of expenses.
Fast sort your listings by:
Most Recent vs Oldest
Listings can be sorted by the most recently sold or by the oldest to make a sale
Best Sellers vs Underperformers
Listings can be sorted by most units sold or least units sold
Most Profitable vs Least Profitable
The listings can be sorted by those with the highest operating profit or those with the lowest operating profit
Trend Setters vs Falling Stars
You can sort the listings that have the largest increase in units sold compared to the previous time period, or the largest decrease in units sold compared to the previous time period
Listing report data grid:
Under listing ProfitTree displays the product image thumbnail and the title. If you would like to view the listing on Etsy click View On Etsy icon
Sort Etsy listings by their status, remember that only the listings are showing that had sales for the time period selected
Orders and Units Sold
Here we show the total amount of orders the listing had and the total number of units that sold
Net Sales
This is the total revenue from the sales on this listing including shipping collected and after discounts and refund
Please Note: If a sale occurs with an item from this listing as well as another listing, any collected shipping, refunds, or discounts are evenly spread among the other listings that made sales.
In simpler terms, let's say a customer buys something from both this listing and another one. If there are any shipping charges, refunds, or discounts involved, we divide them equally among all the listings that made sales. This helps ensure fairness across the board. As a result, the displayed operating profit here is a very close match to your true profit on a listing
This is the total cost of the products sold from this listing. Make sure you add your product cost or connect to your POD provider to ensure this displays accurately.
Operating Expenses
This is proportionally distributed amount of all the listings payment processing, shipping, listing and seller fees
Please Note: Operating Expenses cover costs like selling, payment, shipping, and listing fees. However, due to technical constraints with the Etsy API, we can't display the exact fees for each listing. Instead, we show an average based on all sales made.
Why are we sharing averages instead of exact amounts?
The reason it is weighted average is because on the listing and the product
report you can't co-relate shipping and fees due to limitations in the Etsy API.
Here’s how we calculate fees and shipping costs in reports using weighted averages for product report and listing report:
Processing Fees
• Formula:avg_processing_fees = sum(shop lifetime processing fees) ÷ sum(shop lifetime gross sales)
• Calculation in Reports:
We multiply the average processing fee by the gross sales of the product/listing for the selected time period.
Transaction Fees
• Formula:
avg_transaction_fees = sum(shop lifetime transaction fees) ÷ sum(shop lifetime gross sales)
• Calculation in Reports:
We multiply the average transaction fee by the gross sales of the product/listing for the selected time period.
Listing Fees
• Formula:
avg_listing_fees = sum(shop lifetime listing fees) ÷ sum(shop lifetime units sold)
• Calculation in Reports:
We multiply the average listing fee by the number of units sold for the product/listing during the selected time period.
Shipping Costs
• Formula:
avg_shipping_costs = sum(shop lifetime shipping costs) ÷ sum(shop lifetime units sold (non-digital, non-POD))
• Calculation in Reports:
• For physical products (non-digital, non-POD):
We multiply the average shipping cost by the number of units sold during the selected period.
• For digital products:
Shipping cost is $0.
• For POD products (Printify/Printful):
We use the exact shipping costs directly from Printify or Printful.
For example, if your store made 100 sales totaling $12.00 in fees, and you're analyzing a specific listing, we distribute a portion of that $12.00 to reflect the listing's share of sales. So, if your listing contributed 10% of those sales, it would receive $1.20 from the total fees. This ensures fair allocation of expenses.
Operating Profit
This is your profit for the all the items that sold in the listing after removing Operating Expenses and Cost of Goods Sold
% Profit
The percentage of profit after COGS and Operating Expenses before any ad spend
This percentage shows your return on investment, to ensure this is showing the proper return be sure to input proper product costs
Break-Even ROAS
This is showing at what point your ads on your Etsy listings will be profitable, breakeven or losing money. This is calculated by
1 / Net Profit % before marketing
So it's important that you have your cost of goods sold uploaded in your ProfitTree account on all your products in order for this to calculate properly