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Commonly Asked Questions
How often does ProfitTree refresh/sync my shops data?
What happens when you update a SKU in Etsy? How does this affect my ProfitTree reports?
I deleted a listing and/or product in Etsy but it still shows in ProfitTree?
Why aren’t my products or listings showing in my Product or Listing report?
Why doesn’t ProfitTree refunds on my dashboard match what is in my Etsy account?
Why is my ProfitTree bill more than the advertised price?
Does ProfitTree account for VAT tax?
What if my local currency is different than my Etsy Account currency?
How We Apply Plan Changes
Why is Etsy ad spend different from ProfitTree as spend amount?
How Are Shipping Label Expenses Assigned to Specific Days?
How does ProfitTree handle refunds?
How to add a new shop or multiple shops?
What If My POD Provider Is Not Printify or Printful?
What happens if I click "Create Custom Order" via Etsy?
Why am I seeing products in my catalog that no longer exist in my Etsy account?
Does ProfitTree account for Etsy Sellers Refund Protection?